Thursday, June 11, 2009


8:00AM: Alarm starts screaming. I crawl across to the foot of the bed, stretch my arm out towards the top of the TV, pound on the snooze and crawl back to cuddle with my still-sleeping boyfriend.

8:06AM: Repeat what I did at 8.

8:16AM: Repeat again….and then again and again pretty much until 8:55AM. (NOT a morning person AT ALL.)

8:55-9AM: Scramble out of bed and jump for my cell phone to get onto the conference call for work by 9:03AM.

9:03-9:20AM: Listen to conference call on muted speakerphone, brush teeth and do hair, get dressed, grab purse and work binder, grab breakfast cereal bar, make lunch if I can stretch enough time. Leave house at 9:20AM.

9:22AM: Drive to work. Sometimes conference call lasts me all the way until I arrive; sometimes I can hang up and blast my music.

9:45AM: Arrive at work and get ready to open: unlock doors, turn on demos and open sign, clock into computer system, tidy up, review inventory, check work email and other emails and sign-in sites.

10:00AM-7:00PM: WORK. This consists of all duties: cleaning and tidying, managing and adding inventory, signing up people for contracts, answering the phone, answering questions, reading and sending emails, reviewing new device trainings and demos, customer call-outs, mailing offers and coupons, and occasionally surfing the web during down times. I eat lunch whenever I get hungry IF I made one or if have enough money to order something or get gas station food. Lately it’s hectic scanning, removing, and adding inventory in order to prepare for closing the current location and moving to a larger location, which will also add another 30 minutes (15 there and 15 back) to my daily commute starting Monday.

7:02PM: Drive home from work. Brain fried and exhausted and most often hungry as well.

7:25PM: Arrive at home. Shower and change clothes. Make or order dinner. Get out laptop and sign into school website and do homework.

9:00PM: Sometimes homework takes me this long, shorter, or even longer to complete. It varies but on average I’m free by 9pm. I usually pop in a movie and relax on the couch. Though sometimes (budget and friends permitting, which isn’t often) I’ll go out and find something to do. Or I write. It’s basically my little bit of ME time.

12:00AM-1:00AM: I’ll usually head to the bedroom about this time with my boyfriend and get ready for bed. Change into comfy clothes, turn on Nick at Nite on low volume and set TV timer for 90 minutes, and cuddle until we fall asleep.

There are a few variations to this schedule. Such as Sundays I have off and usually try to designate more focused time on homework and cleaning house. Lately I’ve been also visiting my dad and my brother at their house. Wednesdays I have off but still get up at 9am (usually) to drive 40 minutes to a gym JUST because they offer Kickboxing and cardio and work out classes. NO GYM NEAR ME OFFERS CLASSES. I also use Wednesdays for business day errands and phone calls (school, work, bank, doctor, etc). Thursdays is my payday but I don’t get done with work until AFTER the bank closes so I usually have to get up extra early on Fridays to deposit (my job doesn’t offer direct depositing). Otherwise, I’d have to wait until Sunday (which most banks are closed) or the following Wednesday and when a person lives paycheck-to-paycheck, like myself, that’s not always practical to wait that long. Also, there’s unexpected things that like to pop up occasionally like work-related errands on my days off to help out, picking up my boyfriend from work or taking him to work before I head off, 8PM grocery trips, etc, etc.

I know there are many, many people with busier schedules which include children and no self relaxation time. But this is a FULL schedule for me right now. Next year after our lease is up, my boyfriend and I are hoping to be making a little better incomes, won’t need a roommate and will be moving to another town. This prospective town (I’ve already checked) has a couple gyms that offer classes, has a Wal Mart so my boyfriend can just transfer working as management to another store if he likes, I’ll still be the same distance from my current work place but I’ll have other career and internship opportunities for the career that I do want. Such busy lives and busy plans we have...but hopeful and aspiring dreams.

Love Always and Forever,
Shy Lee Zephyr

1 comment:

  1. soooo, your moving? that kinda really makes me sad, i was really liking watertown and wanted to move there when i got on my feet so we would all be uber close :'(
