Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday: Worse than Monday?

Oh man, it’s been one of those days. Not feeling the greatest and I think the constant exchange of air conditioned buildings and sweltering heat outside are the main contributing factor. Watery and itchy eyes. Runny and itchy nose. Constant sneezing. Headache and face feels HOT like I have sunburn all over it. I really don’t think it’s allergies; what would cause allergies to flare up suddenly for a week? Whatever it is, it’s making me sluggish and cranky and I just want to go home!

I think other people are definitely getting cranky because of the heat (it’s funny in Wisconsin: we’re either cranky because of the heat or cranky because of the cold). Every customer that has walked in my door today has been outstandingly rude and demanding. Yes, because that’s an effective approach to make me want to assist you better…. So due to my mood, I’m declaring Tuesdays as Bitch Days. I am just going to bitch about everything that irritates, frustrates, or angers me. Feel free to join and contribute your own.

I hate traffic. All traffic. My ideal road is one where I’m the only one on it. Ever notice everyone but you is always a slow dumb ass or speedy jackass?

I hate cheapskates. It’s not just because I’m a sales person either. I’m thrifty too, I admit it. But you don’t need to be a complete miserly dick about it. If you expect it to be nice and work the way you want it to without problems or returns, expect to pay a little more.

I hate when my best friend says she’s fat. WHAT?! You go to the gym EVERYDAY and you can definitely see you’ve lost the baby-fat you had when we were in school. Those “pounds” you whine about is muscle. If you want to see weight gain, look at my face! Not to mention, how many guys hit on you per day? That’s what I thought….

How do people afford to go on vacations or random road trips…during the week? I work my butt off, still no money, and I have to suck up majorly to get a day off. Do these people not work and just have other people pay things for them? If so, where the hell do I sign up?

I hate money. I hate that it’s a “necessary evil.” I can understand paying for things we want, but should we really have to pay for things we need in order to survive?

I hate being short-tempered and irritated quite often. I hate it when people call me mother, and they're not my child . Is it a crime that I'm more responsible than you? Hmph!

Share what makes you angry or what you hate. It feels good to let it all out, doesn’t it?


  1. I too hate money. I hate that I've just bought a car and now can't afford to do anything this weekend, other than sit in the house in my pyjamas because everything else costs effing money.
    I hate rude people. What the hell makes them think they have the right to talk to someone else like they are crap? If you're having a bad day, there's no reason to make everyone else around you feel shitty too.
    And I really do hate complaining as well :) Especially because I like having an excuse to spend the whole day in my pyjamas, in front of the fireplace (it's winter here in Australia) and read my book :)
    I like the idea of Bitch Tuesdays. I think I will probably adopt it as well.
    Have a great weekend :)

  2. I know, I try not to complain too especially because I know it could always be worse. But it just feels good to bitch sometimes and know I'm not alone in my frustrations! Money is probably the number 1 thing I do bitch about. I bought a car recently too; a couple months ago actually. It's also used but I needed relaible transportation to work which is a couple towns away and my BF's car was starting to die and was beginning to try 2 take me out with it (tires and alignment were awful and not worth putting money into among other disasters). So my budget has felt rather squeezed and strained lately. It gets a little easier though once you get a hang of the new budget tho, so dont worry shopping sprees are in your future(how far in the future I've no idea..)!
    Thanks for the comment. :)
