Thursday, June 4, 2009

Waving and Shouting!

Hello Blog World!!! I feel like I've walked through the magical wardrobe into Narnia! This blog thing is totally new to me and skimming through some already existing blogs I just get a tingle of excitement. What a fantastical world this blogging thing is! So many thoughts, dreams, opinions, and worlds colliding in one place! Ah, sweet freedom of expression!

While it's usually custom in most settings to introduce yourself when you're new, I feel introductions can be quite boring. Not only that but how I am I supposed to tell you all about me in one little splurge? You probably wouldn't even remember most of what I'd say on a first encounter anyway. It takes time to know people. SOOOOO...if you
really want an introduction all you have to do is look at my profile to get a generalized idea of who I am or search for me on Facebook or Myspace. I'd suggest searching for me by email: rather than by my name. I assume there's many Stephanie Johnson's in the world!

OKAY: So I lied a little. I am familiar with the blogs on Myspace and I've been guilty of posting excessive Facebook notes. BUT,
this blog experience is truly new to me. I've never really blogged for the sake of blogging--if that makes any sense! I guess you could say I didn't really think of the Myspace/Facebook stuff as blogs; more of an online journal shared with friends. I don't know if that's the same thing but I shall find out!

So, I decided to try a BLOG for a couple reasons. One: I love writing. It's my passion; my second
love. I'm actually in school currently pursuing my degree in Communications. (The Communications degree offers me the versatility to go into writing, publishing, photography, or all 3 or anything along those lines!). Two: While I write mainly for me because it's MY passion and gives ME pleasure, there's a certain satisfaction that comes with writing for an audience. I like to write to share, get feedback, and/or make a difference. What can you expect from my blog? Anything! I plan to use this space for poetry, fiction stories, rants, essays, ideals, laughs...basically, whatever I feel like writing! I'll have some intent or meaning behind most posts so don't worry I won't bore you by just writing only about the weather or such!

Well, I wanted to skip a lengthy introduction post and just basically wave and shout so you know I'm here!! Hope to hear from you all soon. Keep in touch and keep reading!

Much Love,

Shy Lee Zephyr

P.S. I'm aware I said my name is Stephanie Johnson, however as I've stated earlier there's a billion of 'em! So call me Shy Lee Zephyr, or Shy, or Lee, or Zephyr, or any combination of that name: whatever you're comfortable with! TTYL

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